Set your Out of Office message from your Android phone

Article by The Final Step on Mar 6, 2015

At some point most of us forget to set our Out of Office message before leaving the office. So we’ve got a few tips together to show you how you can set it once you are away from the office. This tip shows how to do it if you use an Android phone and a previous one covered the iPhone.

To set your Out of Office on an Android phone use the native Mail application. Your phone must be configured to work with your Microsoft Exchange server in order to set the message. If you’re an existing client and don’t know how to do this please get in touch with us.

Here’s a link for setting up Android with Exchange server :

Once your phone is working with your mail server you can set the message:

  • within Mail, hit the menu button
  • Select “More”
  • Select “Out of the office” (the phone retrieves your current Out of Office settings from your Exchange server; therefore you need to have a phone signal to make this setting)
  • Choose “I am currently: Out of the office”
  • Edit the text as you want and click “Save” to save any changes

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