Bits & Bytes - April 2023

Article by The Final Step in IT Support, Security, Security First Mindset on May 5, 2023

Welcome to our latest update

A round up of news and tips from April, that we hope you enjoy


Changes to Cyber Essentials' security standards

Dealing with security due diligence

This week on 24 April 2023, the standard to pass Cyber Essentials changed.

Cyber Essentials crisp
Without getting technical, our article reviews what business owners should know and why more organisations are getting certified. If you've been sitting on the fence about getting certified, we go over why you should consider it.

For instance, according to the National Cyber Security Centre's (NCSC) analysis of insurance data, SMBs with Cyber Essentials are 60% less likely to make a cyber insurance claim.

Being certified could save you a lot off time, hassle and money.

We also cover what the changes are and why they are important for businesses. The article is intended to help when you next get asked why you do or don't have Cyber Essentials certification.

Read article.


Tip of the month

How to set up an Apple ID Legacy Contact on your iPhoneHow to set up an Apple ID Legacy Contact on your iPhone -3

We highly recommend that you setup a Legacy Contact for your Apple account so that, in the event of your death, a loved one can access your important data, devices and personal memories. Our tip takes you through how to do it on an iPhone.

NB: You know a tip is important when all your colleagues who are reviewing, tell you they have just implemented it. I think five of us at TFS have done it already!



Congratulations Tim Watts Wealth Management

tim watts-1

Well done to our client Tim Watts Wealth Management on meeting the Cyber Essentials Plus standard. We are happy to help.

If anyone else is thinking about how Cyber Essentials fits in with broader security planning you can find further information here.


Comms Cab crisp

With May fast approaching, there's no better time to think about having a good spring clean. Whether it's cleaning up your desktop, organising your SharePoint folders or just finally getting through your email backlog, consider this your opportunity for a fresh start.

Something that's a little more tricky and will require a pair of able hands is getting your comms cabinet, server room and any other cables in check. Cable management is something that is very often overlooked - whilst everything is working, all seems okay, but if something goes wrong or breaks, an unorganised comms cabinet makes troubleshooting a challenging task.

Click here to discover our 6 top tips for organising your comms cabinet!

If your comms room needs attention or you need to run cables throughout your office, please get in touch!


Luke celebrates 3 years at The Final Step

Lukes 3 year anniversary thumbnail-1Luke is one of those who thrived despite joining at a difficult time, during the pandemic and lockdown. His "can-do" attitude, love of client interaction and problem-solving skills have made him an excellent on-site engineer.



Thanks for reading

Whilst security and legacy planning is important, we hope you will be able to relax andProfile SH edit size real-1 enjoy the long weekends coming the way of our UK readers.

If you need any help or would like to discuss anything you have read in this newsletter please get in touch with Simon Heath:


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