Byte-size Bulletins

SMEs struggling to keep up with ransomware

Written by Rachael Brown | Sep 7, 2021

From the Colonial Pipeline attacks to the data breach at supplier JBS, ransomware continues to be a major security threat. And here in the UK, this fact continues to be recognised. 

In April, our National Cyber Security Centre officially announced they had joined the Ransomware Task Force, known as the RTF.

The RTF is a global organisation that funds and circulates research and expertise from cybersecurity vendors, non-profits, academic institutions, software firms and governments on ransomware. 

The group had previously called for "aggressive and urgent action" against ransomware in an 81-page report

Jen Ellis, co-chair of RTF commented that “Citizens are being impacted by this every day. It’s having a huge impact on the economy and the ability for ordinary people to access critical services."

“Not only that but, really distressingly, the funds that come in from paid ransoms fund other forms of organised crime, like human trafficking and child exploitation.” 

Organisations like RTF are essential, as one of the biggest problems organisations struggle with in the fight against ransomware is expert guidance. Attacks are so prolific organisations lack the internal expertise to address risks in time, making them unable to seek assistance from third parties. 

Ransomware develops and changes so quickly in its sophistication and utilisation that organisations are struggling to keep up.