Byte-size Briefings

Security Awareness Training

Written by The Final Step | May 18, 2021


We all need a helping hand at times.

If you want to help build a security-first mindset we provide tailored, training sessions on cyber security, delivered remotely.

Technology can only do so much to protect us from criminals who want to extort money from us, our clients and other contacts. A crucial part of our defence is that we all remain alert and vigilant to threats and exercise caution in how we behave. Cybercriminals are smart, well organised and persistent.

It is not easy to get updated on and remain vigilant about the latest cyber attacks.

We have a presentation deck with illustrations and videos of the issues. We update the information before we present and run the same sessions in two different time slots, so we can cover all staff. Each session is about an hour, depending on interaction and questions.

Email me at to find out more or make a booking.

Thanks to Annie Spratt at Unsplash for the picture.